Choosing the right real estate photographer is a vital decision that will determine the success of your property. There are many factors to consider when selecting an appropriate photographer, and it can be hard to know where to start. This blog post will outline five key points that you should keep in mind when choosing which real estate photographer to hire for your next project.

Choosing the right Houston real estate photography to shoot your listing can be tricky. Not sure how to find the right photographer? We have 5 tips that will help you make your decision easier.


Even though the most experienced and expensive real estate photographer may be a quality choice, they are not suited for every type of photography. There are photographers who have specialties, such as property photography. This is already a niche type of work because it is specific to home sales, so hiring outside the field could result in dissatisfied customers.

Many real estate photographers will have more specialized niche expertise. Some may have experience shooting condos and apartments while others specialize in luxury homes. Choose a photographer who specializes in the type of images that you want.


One of the best ways you can find a photographer that’s right for you is by viewing their past work. Any photographer worth their fee will have more than enough portfolio images available on the internet for your perusal. Compare them and choose which style suits your needs best. One of the most important factors to consider when selecting a real estate photographer is their portfolio style. You may find that your favorite photography style doesn’t match up with what you needed for a listing – and vice versa.


Even though your photographer will only be working with you for a short period, it’s important that you find someone you get along with. It should be easy to speak with and comfortable around them (and coming into your private space). A good rapport is necessary in case of any questions or concerns arising from the session or photos.

Ultimately, it’s important to find a photographer who you trust. Although the photos will be in order to market your property and therefore not a decision or controlled by you, being confident that the person behind such important pictures is someone with both experience and the skillset need for your listing is key.


How experienced is the photographer? Is he or she self-taught, or did they go to school? These factors will impact the price and final product.

You don’t necessarily need someone with 30 years of experience, but a recent graduate may not provide the highest quality work. Do not save money by hiring an inexperienced photographer. If they give you substandard work, you will have to pay much more to get it re-shot by a true expert.


Raw talent and experience aren’t everything. You also need the right camera, lens, post-production software, etc. A professional photographer should have the type of camera and equipment they use listed on their website. Research what kind of camera or equipment you’re looking for to make sure your photographer has it before booking them. It doesn’t need to be the latest or greatest equipment on the market, but it should be able to execute your vision without any difficulties.


With over 20 years of Houston photography experience, Drone Starlight is the perfect choice to take photos for your listings. We offer drone photography to give you stunning aerial images.

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